Tuesday 30 March 2010

Look up

Last week wasn't so great, I had a bad "down" spell at the beginning of it. It got better towards the end though, all in all though, not a great week, it meant I wasted a lot of time.

Have been to all sorts of different places in the countryside recently. I feel so free out there in the car traversing the winding roads. We even spotted some deer in a graveyard near Capernwray, it was magical. And then another night, we saw one bouncing down the road right in front of us, amazing! I love deer, the way they move is amazing, it just looks so effortless, the way they run along. I can't wait for summer, we went to Burton in Lonsdale yesterday and it was so cold, it made me nostalgic for last summer's trips into the country. Roll on summer.

Went out dancing on Friday night in Hustle. Was lots of fun, although the DJ wasn't great :/. On Saturday we went to the Rose Prom, it wasn't very good. The DJs were actually awful; the music was crap and there were long pauses between the songs. I couldn't get into it. Luckily I got some chocolate muffin out of it, so I guess that makes the trip to Chorley worth it.

I actually managed to do pretty well playing the pedalboard on the organ on Sunday, they must have been easy hymns.

This week I am really going to be starting my coursework/essays/etc in earnest. I shall be taking lots of books about Juan Rulfo home with me for my Spanish essay.

I'm going to stay with my parents for a week tomorrow, I didn't arise from my pit until one o'clock in the afternoon today. I've done a LOT of laundry and I cleaned the kitchen and did some vacuuming. Soon I shall pack... I'm debating whether or not to take my laptop with me, it's so heavy and my parents have a computer and my mam has a laptop, we'll see how I feel when I have packed all my other things, it's pretty likely I shall be leaving it behind, because I'll have a lot of books to carry.

I am completely addicted to pancakes.

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Avui, ahir i Pasqua

Tinc moltes coses que he de fer i no he estat fent-les. Des de ara tinc que fer el meu treball i de no malgastar el meu temps mirant Facebook i fent altres coses inútiles molt tarda a la nit.

Ahir va quedar-me despert fins a dos quarts de cinc del matí no fent res important, només surfing el Internet i també mirant Laberint d'Ombres (començo a ser un addicte). Doncs aquest matí m'he aixecat a les 8 per anar a l'universitat, crec que he estat com un somnàmbul, no he pogut concentrar i quan la hora de plegar ha arribat, he tornat a casa, he menjat alguna cosa i he anat al meu llit per uns quatre/cinc hores.

Després de aixecar-me (de nou) he fet exercici, parlat amb un amic per telèfon, i he fet el meu sopar. He de fer algun treball sobre el meu cross-cultural project. HE DE FER-LO. (I potser mirar Laberint d'Ombres...)

No puc creer que ja és la setmana final del trimestre. Durant de Pasqua he de fer molt treball. Em quedaré amb els meus pares per unes set dies. Un amic vindrà a veure'm a Lancàster per unes dies, deurà estar molt bé! Que esten unes vacances molt divertides.


I am sick to death of people who don't know what they're talking about.

Sick sick sick.

I need a break.

I sleep so much I'm having trouble forming coherent memories of what I do.

Saturday 13 March 2010

My Heart Goes Out

My heart breaks for and goes out to all of Akta Patel's close friends and family.

Akta was a girl in my year at university who also studied French, she died after being hit by a bus in Lancaster last week.

The whole thing makes me feel sick to my stomach.

I'm praying hard for all who knew her, especially her close friends and family. My thoughts and best wishes are with them at this time of great sadness and greiving.

Article in Lancaster Guardian

Tuesday 9 March 2010


I have very little money at the moment, so I couldn't afford to buy loads of what I normally get when we went food shopping on Monday, my basket was a sea of green and white: the colours of the ASDA Smartprice brand (instant pasta, noodles, cereal, etc)...

...So later that night I was sat in my house, and I go downstairs to discover a mysterious envelope, and what should be in it, but chocolate from my best friend. It made me very happy.


Friday 5 March 2010


I've left it wayyyyy too long between posts! So... I shall resume (can you say that in English?) the events of the past... time.

Litfest Reading
This went well (I think)! I read three short poems by Salvador Espriu in Catalan and English. I say I "think" it went well because I didn't notice anything go majorly wrong, but the thing is, I couldn't hear myself so I actually have no idea how I sounded, how quiet my voice was, or how stupid I may have looked swaying from side to side...

Was a letdown. The DJs for the "rave" were terrible; skips in the tracks, really messy crossfading, crap songs, I mean, half the tracks you couldn't even dance to... I prefer a more constant and quicker rate of bpm, but maybe that's just me!

Oh, the bands were alright though.

The rest
-I'm applying for a job. Please cross your fingers for me.
-I fell out of the workout routine for a week, but I'm back into it now.
-I had a terrible oral exam today. I'm really worried about how I'm gonna do in FREN200/201.
-I'm having a fridge war with my rude housemate. He keeps taking my apple juice out of the tray and putting it on the shelf and replacing it with his carton of cranberry juice, I keep taking his cranberry juice and replacing it on his shelf whilst putting my apple juice back where it belongs, in the tray.
-I am loving last.fm and have developed OSS (Obsessive Scrobbling Syndrome).