Sunday 31 January 2010

Try to have your cake and eat it too

Being busy is so much better than being bored.

Last week was one of the busiest I've had for a while. I had Monday off, which was lovely ♥. But after that it was pretty much non-stop business. I had loads of work to do, and I didn't even do it all. I need to prioritise better and organise myself. This week I plan to stop staying up ridiculously late every night, because it is actually killing me, and I am horrified by the awful bags under my eyes! I also need to tidy my desk, because it's a disgusting mess, egh and I spilt milk on my laptop today... I don't think it did any damage though, luckily.

Anyway, the weekend was amaaaazing! So much fun. I barely had time to breathe on Friday, spending the day finishing my work and preparing things for my friend's birthday, and then dashing off to Preston to celebrate. We had a great time though. And we had Domino's, which I haven't had in forEVER! It was sooo goooood! So I got a sleep in on Saturday morning, after getting home pretty late, which was heavenly. Later on my little brother videocalled me (my parents have finally got the Internet!) and that was really nice.

It didn't seem too long from the time I got up to when I was off to Morecambe to get ready for a night on the tiles. I did my hair really big, and because of all the stuff that's been going on I got my nails painted all different colours. Ooh, and I wore a new shirt I got from H+M, and skinny jeans. We went out to the club we wanted to go, and found the dance floor closed off. Sad times, so we went elsewhere til midnight, when we hoped the dancefloor would be open, and it was ♥. Was so much fun, haven't had a good dance for ages.

Anywayyys, regarding my new year's resolutions:
-I haven't been doing so well on the bedtime one, but I'm gonna try a lot harder with it this week.
-With the working out I've been falling behind, but I'm getting back on track, I'm going to organise my time better, and make sure I definitely do it three times this week.
-I've met a few of new people this year so far, I can still do better though at being more social.
-Music wise, I'm currently arranging a hymn for somebody and I'm going to get paid for it, so I'll definitely be working on that this week. Ideas have been running through my head for a performance arrangement of it as well as a straightforward hymn arrangement.
-I did see a job vacancy the other day, but I looked again today, and it wasn't there any more, so it looks like I'm going to have to dedicate more time to music, because I really need the money (the "financial problem" from last year is still haunting me, unfortunately, yes).

I've been eating so much junk recently, my diet is ridiculously poor, there are way too many 33p packets of pasta & sauce in it! This week Ima make sure I get some real food when I go shopping!

Ooooh, another thing I've been doing recently is reading poetry. I've never really been a big poetry fan in the past, I think school put me off it, because it was a duty rather than a pleasure. But I've been reading some Salvador Espriu, because I'm thinking of taking part in a literature festival my department at uni is holding, and I love it! I need to choose one to read...

Well that was a bit random... but that's your Josh update for now ^_^

Wednesday 27 January 2010

Us estimo ♥

Wow, my last post provoked some really interesting responses, some smart, and some not-so-smart! It's funny just how stupid some people can actually be, I really don't understand people like that, they have no place in my life... yet I am still curious as to who left the first idiotic comment... perhaps we'll never know!

Anyway, many of the responses to the blog were from my brilliant friends, who I'm so lucky to have. I'm seriously so glad that I have people around me who are intelligent and open-minded, rather than stupid, closed-minded and pathetic. Having people around who you are scared of talking to, being yourself around or causing an argument with isn't a good thing really; people who accept you for who are, don't judge and truly love those around them are the best sort. I suppose those silly judgemental people will always exist though, since there has to be opposition. They will continue with their silly little beliefs and ideas, but it should be easy enough to ignore what they think, since it really doesn't matter... at all!

Thursday 21 January 2010

Judgement and Gender Roles

On Tuesday night I discovered what someone I thought was my friend really thinks of me and my friends, and that they really aren't the sort of person I can have as a friend. It's sad, and it's angering.

The things that were said were making me think a lot about judgement. It's sad that some people feel the need to judge others. I wonder why they do it. I think a lot of the time it's because it makes them feel better about themselves, it's true that you often find the most judgemental people are ones that have a lot of problems themselves and their behaviour is often quite hypocritical. What is also sad is some of the things that people use against others and things that they judge them for.

Another issue that has come up is one that's very important to me. That of gender equality and destructive gender stereotypes and roles. I think it's so sad that people in this day and age are still holding on to outdated, ridiculous and destructive ideas. I feel so strongly about these ideas because as a male who has never been average, who has never fitted into the mould, I've been through some very difficult periods regarding things that people have expressed to me and around me regarding boys that don't fit into the mould; one of the earliest of these I remember was me not being good a sport and being unable to perform the simple action of catching a ball. Just a simple thing like this, that should have no bearing at all on the way people treat me affected me all through school and even still does today because people STILL EXPECT boys to love sports and are SURPRISED that some do not. It astounds me. This is just one little example of this issue, it's the same for all the other things that boys or girls are supposed to do, but when they don't they can be outcast by many and be made to feel extremely excluded and as though there is something WRONG with them. Being made to feel as though you have something wrong with you when you don't can be extremely destructive to a human being, I'm hardly an expert, but it just isn't healthy.

I realised some time ago that it's okay, and actually a very good thing to be an individual. These days I actually like not fitting into the mould, I like being different, I like my individuality, and I like having the right to express it however I choose. Being told that people "don't agree with the way I am" is still upsetting to me, but just because of the fact that people are still holding on to ridiculous and quite frankly wrong ideas of gender roles. And now I come back to judgement, I hate being judged for using my rights as an individual. I have been judged for (amongst other things) the fact that I have been known to go around with nail polish on; it doesn't matter that it had only been done to me by my friend for a laugh, the fact is if I choose to wear nail polish then it's my right to do so. I think it's terrible, the things that people can say, not just about me, but about anyone who does something like this, these people that think things like this are so wrong. For some reason they can't see that it's their judging ways that are wrong.

It really boggles my mind!

Tuesday 12 January 2010

More hours please?

I am so tired. I know it's only Tuesday but I would very much like the week to be coming to an end now thank-you very much. Two early mornings in a row and two late nights in a row... it hasn't done me much good. I could feel my eyes wanting to shut and sleep as I was sat in the library this afternoon waiting for my 5 o'clock class.

I have two pieces of coursework in for the end of this week. I just want rid of them. Luckily Wednesday afternoons are free so I shall have all afternoon and evening to work on them. And hopefully I shall get a good night's sleep tonight so I will be ready to do this after my early classes. I wish I could just add some more hours to today so I could sleep and then do some work.

Yesterday was my first day back at university and it was okay, I only had one class because my Catalan tutor had got stuck in Spain. But she's back today so it's okay. The class I had was Spanish oral and it was pretty relaxed, we just chatted about what we did durante de las vacaciones really and did a bit of listening. And I even made the time to do the workout in the evening, so I'm keeping it up :D

The ice that has covered the city is finally melting, though some parts were still a little dangerous to walk on, such as this street, which I couldn't even see down because the reflection of the sun's light on the ice was so bright.

You can't really get a good impression of it from this photo. Because I took it from my phone. Because my camera's broke. (I really miss it)

It's still early so I'm not going to bed yet even though I'm dying to. Because I know if I go to bed to early then I'll just wake up at, like, 23.00 and then my sleeping pattern would be still messed up. I might eat a pizza or something...

Monday 11 January 2010


This is one of my favourite shots on film ever:

It moves me in ways I find difficult to describe.
The most evident symbol to me is washing, the symbolic washing oneself of people and things and beginning anew.
I also see pressure, water falling like a ton of bricks, crushing, even destruction.
And so much more I can't describe.
Seeing this shot gives me butterflies.
It brings me to a place where I feel as though I am on the verge of tears, just not quite.
It has never left me.

How I'm moved.
How you move me
With your beauty's potency.
You give me life.
Please don't let me go.
You crush the lily in my soul.

Please be.
save me.

Saturday 9 January 2010

Out into a cold world

Today I went out for the first time in almost a week, the cabin fever was getting the better of me... My loan had come in and I needed FOOD!!!

I wrapped up nice and warm, two layers on bottom and four on top, kept me nice and toasty whilst I was out. My strategy to avoid possible slipping out on my street was to exit my house via the back alley, where it's less steep and less icy, so I went out and tried to open the back gate. Would it budge? No! So I returned to the house to fetch a bottle of hot water to pour over the frozen lock and this had no effect on my ability to open it. So this meant I had to either climb over the wall or use the front door. Obviously I wasn't going to climb over my snowy wall. Luckily I didn't slip and die as I set foot out the door and carefully tread over the ice to get to the road, where it's safer. As I walked down the road I was filled with terror as I felt as though I couldn't control my speed and I would suddenly fall and die. Luckily I didn't. It got easier to walk as I got closer to the city centre and the paths in the square were even gritted! In the centre it was all fine, and I finally spent my HMV gift card. That's right, I acquired THE FAME MONSTER. SO happy! :D

After this purchase it was time for me to go and buy a bus pass in order that I can travel around the bay during the term. Bang goes eighty quid of my loan, but so worth it. I waited around in the bus station in the queue waiting for the bus to ASDA, listening to the conversations of the simple folk. Some guy seemed to feel the need to express everything he said at least twice...
Man: "it's at 56"
Man: "it comes at 56 past"
Man: "there's still ten minutes"
Woman: "yeah, cos it's at 56..."
He the proceded to complain about the electronic timetable/clock thing in the bus station with an argument that made no sense to me, what he said was a terrible idea and I really felt like saying this to him, but I held back. It's quite strange being outside and not having music in my ears, I need new headphones... anyone wanna buy me some Lady GaGa ones?

So eventually I made it to ♥ASDA♥. It felt like coming home. It was lovely and warm in there, I knew where everything was, everything I wanted was there, and it was all at a reasonable price. By the time I'd got round the store I felt like my arms were going to drop off as the handles of my basket bent under the sheer bulk of the items I was purchasing. I got lotssss of lovely food, my only regret is that I didn't have enough room/strength to carry a cake... I really wanted a cake. But with my three plastic bags and a rucksack full of stuff I was happy, and I at least got cookies, so all is good!

I slipped a couple of times on the way back home from town, but I didn't fall and made it back safely. Put all my lovely shopping away and discovered that I had, of course, chosen a tub of hair stuff with a hole in the bottom... I've patched it up with some tape so hopefully that'll do the trick, just a little annoying really. I felt better though when I warmed up a double chocolate chip cookie and ate it up. So moist! ^_^

Most of my Christmas money is gone... the same thing that happens each year has occured: I've frittered it away on music. I *do* love my music though. I bought a few random tracks and an album called Ultimate Disney Princess which is just amazing> I've been listening to them all all the time.

I really ought to do some uni work, so I think I will do some tomorrow. And also, my housemate should be coming back tomorrow, so I won't be all alone any more, YAY!!! Hopefully I'm gonna get into a normal sleeping pattern soon too, oh gosh, and I really need to look at my timetable for uni. I've been putting it off because I'm afraid I shall burst into tears upon looking at it! Well, I gotta do it sometime...

Wednesday 6 January 2010

Another snow day makes me feel the burn

It's been snowing all over the country the past two days. I guess it must be nice for people who have nothing to do so can just mess around and play in it. I happen to live in my house alone at the moment... so I'm pretty much trapped inside by myself, because I daren't step out onto the icy pavements. I don't have as good a sense of balance and co-ordination as most people so it's more likely that I'd fall over and do myself an injury... you'd have to be mad to go out there when it's like this even if you can balance on your own two feet. I had images of myself sliding down the street on my back with my head cracked open... it just doesn't seem worth it. So although I have things I need to get done, they're just gonna have to wait it seems.

Anyway, since I was stuck inside I continued with my exercise resolution today, it was my second workout of the year. Jane Fonda of course, it really burned today, my abdominals and thighs especially, but it makes me feel so good doing it, I'm really glad I'm doing it. Getting into shape is great. I just hope I can make the time for it when uni starts again.

My food supplies are getting lower, and my money supplies aren't getting any higher. So it's gonna be rice for dinner again tonight! And gosh, those toothbrushes I bought from Sainsburys the other day are crap. Seriously, it's worth shelling out a bit more money for a half-decent toothbrush... or a trip to ASDA (I miss that place!)

Uni starts again on Monday, am actually really looking forward to it, can't wait to get back into a routine so I'm not sitting around all the time. So yeah... roll on next week!

Monday 4 January 2010

Lady Jane, the Saviour

So today I got another new year's resolution started: exercise!!

My favourite way to exercise is with Jane Fonda, OBVIOUSLY, since she's one of my idols. Last time I had a proper exercise routine, I still lived with my parents! Anyway, I'm lucky enough to own a VHS tape of Jane Fonda's New Workout from 1985, which is just amazing, there's singing and everything on it, it's so much fun. Unfortunately I don't have a VHS player, only my parents do. So I had to resort to YouTube in order to find myself some J-Fo workout goodness, and I came across her original workout right back from the beginning of the 80s! It seemed much harder than the one I usually do, and it wasn't as fun, but until the powers that be get their act together and release the 1985 workout on DVD then I'll have to make do. I'm so glad I did it, it felt so good to be active and exercising, I'm gonna keep it up for sure.

I spent the rest of the day mainly preparing to write a journal for my Spanish film module coursework, it took hours writing all the notes down, but I hate essays, and this alternative seems to be the best option for me.

On another happy note, I didn't burn my dinner today! I put it in the oven, and remembered to check on it, and take it out on time and everything! I'm so happy!

I'm still working on the 'early to bed and early to rise' resolution. At the moment I much prefer sitting up on facebook waiting for somebody interesting to talk to me, or actually talking to somebody interesting than I do going to bed and sleeping. I'm fairly certain tonight shan't be any different, I'm pretty knackered after the workout, so a little laziness is in order. It's great being thin, workout + pizza + laziness = fine! ^_^

Sunday 3 January 2010

I'm supposed to have a servant!

I think today is just the final proof that I was never meant to cook... or that I'm more stupid than I thought... I was hungry, as usual, so I decided to cook my dinner; simple enough right? Wrong. I went up to my room and a long time (I haven't got a clue how long) later I was shocked by the LOUD smoke alarm bleeping angrily. Was something broken? A problem with the smoke alarm? Perhaps I was dreaming the whole thing. No, as I arrived in the kitchen I was greeted by a strong burning smell, eye-burning heat and a pan of black rice. That's right, I burnt a pan of RICE.

It reminded me of another pitiful cooking incident a few weeks ago... *harp glissando* ... I was cooking some bacon (I do like bacon, mmm), well, I say cooking, it was sort of just sitting in the pan maybe sizzling a bit, as if it didn't really want to cook. I was cooking eggs on the hotplate next to it and they had done fine. I just couldn't work out why the bacon was 'cooking' so slowly, and my housemate couldn't either. So we scratched our heads for a while, I obviously came up with no conclusion because I'm incapable of such things. My housemate, however eventually realised that the hotplate I was cooking the bacon on was not turned on. At all. Luckily it somehow managed to cook from the residual heat of the hotplate next to it and I didn't die of food poisoning or something.

Yeah, that's how stoopid I can be sometimes, I lack common sense :/.

Anyway, back to today. I was surprised that I didn't feel like death when I woke up to the sound of my phone playing the hymn A Mighty Fortress. Usually, I cannot at all handle late nights and early mornings. I know I'm 19, and I'm supposed to be able to stay awake for 3 days straight... but just no... I cannot handle sleep deprivation. So anyway, I felt good as I stepped out into the morning air to go to church, and I saved 5p on my bus fare cos the bus driver didn't have any change. Church was nice, I'm gettting better at playing Pipe Organ, which makes me happy, my feet are learning to co-ordinate with my hands. I really enjoyed our YSA sunday school class, there were only 4 of us in it, haha. I started flagging in the last hour though, the lesson was good, but it was much easier to be distracted by the interactions of two babies playing near me...

A problem I've had for a while got solved after the meeting too. There's a village near to the city that my friend(s) and I visit quite a lot called Quernmore; let me hear you say it: Kwern-more, right? No, not right. I looked it up on Wikipedia and was surprised to see that it is pronounced Kwor-mer. I don't really know why I was surprised, upon reflection, because most places round here seem to have 'strange' pronunciations. Anyway, I thought Wikipedia was probably wrong, but today I was lucky enough to get a lift from somebody, and when talking about where to drop me off he asked if he should head towards KWORMER. This made me so happy, I can't even describe it.
...maybe I need a new hobby...

Saturday 2 January 2010

Number 1

Well here it is, I've been thinking about this for a while, but today I've done it. I am now a blogger. The main reason I'm doing this is so I can keep my new year's resolution of keeping my journal better, and I think I will update this more frequently than I do my written journal, since I spend so much time sat at the computer. I am alos hoping it will help me keep up with my other new year's resolutions and generally organise my thoughts, and keep up to date on life...

So, I'm gonna be writing about what I do and what I think.

I really tried to make realistic resolutions this year... I wrote them down:
- Write in journal more
- Make new friends (I need to be more social)
- Exercise (I'm so out of shape)
- Early to bed and early to rise (We'll see how this one goes...)
- Try random hairstyles (Not a typical resolution, but I thought it would be fun)
- Write more music
- Get a job (I really need monies)

So there they are, I shall be updating on here how they all go.

So anyway, what did I do today?
Um, well I slept in late cos I was too lazy to go to bed last night :/. Then I did that most interesting thing of sitting around on facebook and msn for a while. When I'd procrastinated enough I got ready to venture out onto the icy (and steep) pavements of Lancaster in order to obtain a radiator key so I could fix my radiator and save myself from frostbite, oh and I needed some food too.

I stepped out the door with two t-shirts, a big cardigan, a coat and scarf on, and wasn't freezing, which was nice. I live in a hilly area of the city and it was a miracle that I didn't fall over on the way to the city centre, I was actually terrified. I eventually made it across to B&Q by walking on the roads... because as much as people claim to care about pollution and blablabla it seems that they don't care enough to make the place safe for pedestrians, only cars. It took about 20 minutes to find the tiny little tool I needed, and I was happy it only cost me £1.89, definitely worth it.

Since I received a HMV voucher for Christmas I thought I might treat myself to the new Lady GaGa album since the rest of my Christmas money is being spent on food and other things to keep me alive. However... no copies of it were in. In fact, there wasn't much of anything that I like in there... I saw a lot of Hannah Montana and Take That stuff, yuck. Was not impressed at all, so it was off to Sainsbury's for some "essentials".

On a side note, I hate Sainsbury's with a passion, ASDA is my supermarket of choice, but it's in Morecambe and I don't get a new bus pass until the new term starts. So I had to shop at the rip-off that is Sainsbury's.

I was quite pleased I only had to spend about £6 in Sainsbury's, I got quite a bit for it:
Fruit juice
Some dark chocolate
Hair ties
Hot chocolate
... I could have got more at ASDA

So upon arriving home it was time to fix the radiator. It took me a while, but eventually some guy calling himself 'ultimatehandyman' on YouTube showed me exactly what I needed to do. So I now owe him my feet, because they are no longer going to drop off because of frostbite as my radiator now fills my room with its delicious warmth.