Monday 11 January 2010


This is one of my favourite shots on film ever:

It moves me in ways I find difficult to describe.
The most evident symbol to me is washing, the symbolic washing oneself of people and things and beginning anew.
I also see pressure, water falling like a ton of bricks, crushing, even destruction.
And so much more I can't describe.
Seeing this shot gives me butterflies.
It brings me to a place where I feel as though I am on the verge of tears, just not quite.
It has never left me.

How I'm moved.
How you move me
With your beauty's potency.
You give me life.
Please don't let me go.
You crush the lily in my soul.

Please be.
save me.


  1. This picture (and the film it comes from) brings a very powerful rush of emotions. Thanks for sharing. *steals the pic*

  2. Wow, glad someone feels the same, haha! That's a good way of saying it: "a powerful rush of emotions..."
    I likes it

  3. I wish that big gush of water would flood down over Facebook and wash away all the tossers. lol I've never had such a draining time online as I have these past few days.

  4. This is a beautiful picture. Proof that a photograph can say a thousand words.
    I find myself wondering literally what is happening in the picture, what it could represent...but it also brings up memories & thoughts from my own life.
    I love it.

  5. :)
    It's amazing how people can come together and be moved by photographs, and how they can mean so much.


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