Saturday 2 January 2010

Number 1

Well here it is, I've been thinking about this for a while, but today I've done it. I am now a blogger. The main reason I'm doing this is so I can keep my new year's resolution of keeping my journal better, and I think I will update this more frequently than I do my written journal, since I spend so much time sat at the computer. I am alos hoping it will help me keep up with my other new year's resolutions and generally organise my thoughts, and keep up to date on life...

So, I'm gonna be writing about what I do and what I think.

I really tried to make realistic resolutions this year... I wrote them down:
- Write in journal more
- Make new friends (I need to be more social)
- Exercise (I'm so out of shape)
- Early to bed and early to rise (We'll see how this one goes...)
- Try random hairstyles (Not a typical resolution, but I thought it would be fun)
- Write more music
- Get a job (I really need monies)

So there they are, I shall be updating on here how they all go.

So anyway, what did I do today?
Um, well I slept in late cos I was too lazy to go to bed last night :/. Then I did that most interesting thing of sitting around on facebook and msn for a while. When I'd procrastinated enough I got ready to venture out onto the icy (and steep) pavements of Lancaster in order to obtain a radiator key so I could fix my radiator and save myself from frostbite, oh and I needed some food too.

I stepped out the door with two t-shirts, a big cardigan, a coat and scarf on, and wasn't freezing, which was nice. I live in a hilly area of the city and it was a miracle that I didn't fall over on the way to the city centre, I was actually terrified. I eventually made it across to B&Q by walking on the roads... because as much as people claim to care about pollution and blablabla it seems that they don't care enough to make the place safe for pedestrians, only cars. It took about 20 minutes to find the tiny little tool I needed, and I was happy it only cost me £1.89, definitely worth it.

Since I received a HMV voucher for Christmas I thought I might treat myself to the new Lady GaGa album since the rest of my Christmas money is being spent on food and other things to keep me alive. However... no copies of it were in. In fact, there wasn't much of anything that I like in there... I saw a lot of Hannah Montana and Take That stuff, yuck. Was not impressed at all, so it was off to Sainsbury's for some "essentials".

On a side note, I hate Sainsbury's with a passion, ASDA is my supermarket of choice, but it's in Morecambe and I don't get a new bus pass until the new term starts. So I had to shop at the rip-off that is Sainsbury's.

I was quite pleased I only had to spend about £6 in Sainsbury's, I got quite a bit for it:
Fruit juice
Some dark chocolate
Hair ties
Hot chocolate
... I could have got more at ASDA

So upon arriving home it was time to fix the radiator. It took me a while, but eventually some guy calling himself 'ultimatehandyman' on YouTube showed me exactly what I needed to do. So I now owe him my feet, because they are no longer going to drop off because of frostbite as my radiator now fills my room with its delicious warmth.


  1. SHHH. i'm only now getting to reading them. will comment more later.

  2. I shall hold you to this promise Brett!


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