Thursday 1 September 2011


Sometimes it's fun getting lost in Wikipedia. I don't even remember what I started with tonight, but ended up reading about International citizenship, the 14th Dalai Lama, Shamanism and Southern Antarctic Islands, among other things. Heh.

Monday 27 June 2011

Sunday 26 June 2011

Tengo ganas de start blogging again.

Let's see what happens.

My year abroad finished. I did a pretty awful job of chronicling it here. Oh well. I can't be bothered to recount all the things that happened. Maybe they'll come up in future blogs. Now I am home in England. I've been back a week now and I've had a really good time. I've seen a lot of my good friends and next week I'm going to stay with my best friend for a few days.

I keep almost saying "Hola" to people when I see them, instead of "Hello". When this happens my unfortunate brain usually realises it while the word is about to exit my mouth, and so I end up saying something like "ohlo." My mother pointed out it might be best just to stick with "hola." I also keep answering the phone with "Sí?¿" I'm sure I'm going to have so much fun trying to switch to French next month. Although, next Thursday I am going to meet my French friend so I will be able to let you know if I can still hold together a conversation in French.

I still have a STUPID essay to do for my English uni. I have two days to do it, because I need to post it off so that it gets there before the deadline. Woohoo. I don't want to do it. I have to write 3000 words about a 10000 word journal on my stay in Spain and the many cultural, linguistic and other differences I observed whilst there.

Last night I went to eat out with my friend and her friends for her 21st birthday. We went to Nawaab in Manchester. I think it's the second time I've been to a Indian/Asain restaurant. It's a buffet place so you can have whatever you want. We had to wait a while for a table, and so got to see a wedding party come in, complete with drums for the entrance of the groom. I had to get my friend (who knows all about the food) to help me with what food was what, because I didn't have a clue. And I even tried curry (Rogan Josh). My poor mouth though, is not made for spicy food. I think I did fine in Spain with the spicy stuff, but Indian food to me is verrrrry spicy. I had to drink a lot of lassi. I did enjoy the food though, especially all the different chickens. I had a lovely time though. I got my friend several presents, including a "signed" framed photo of Michael Fassbender, which you can see below:

Oh, we had to run for our train afterwards. We got a (extortionately expensive) taxi back to the main train station because we missed the train there and then had to run because our train left from the far-away-up-above platform over moving walkways with idiot vegetable people stood blocking the way. We made it though, yay <3

Ooh I'm playing organ again, it's so good to be able to do it again <3

This week I need a haircut.

Saturday 2 April 2011

Just a thought

It's not religion that causes all these problems that people blame on it, but a complete, utter and devastating lack of respect for others and what they do and believe.

If a person can't respect others then it doesn't matter what they do or don't believe.

So basically what I'm saying is, the blame lies with people.

Thursday 31 March 2011

Barrio in disrepair

Today I did 3 and half hours of classes. That means lots of €€€ :)

Today is also the day I have my most difficult class: a group of children under 8. Today it went pretty well though! There was still the usually "I'M BORED! I WANT THE CLASS TO END NOW!" from the usual troublemaker, but it went a lot better than other days.

Also, the sun is shining. When I got out after teaching the class I just couldn't help but smile being out in the gorgeous sunshine. It was glorious. I love the sunshine.

I was so happy, that I decided to work out when I got home, cos I was feeling motivated. I also put my bedding and clothes in the wash. After working out I went to have a shower, as is customary. However, no water seemed to be coming out. I put it down to the washing machine being on. However, later, after trying to flush the toilet and wash the plates, we realised we have no water. There's no water in the entire neighbourhood. Last night we had a power cut too. The place is falling apart -_-. I looked in the washing machine and finally realised why it didn't seem to be doing anything and my things all looked completely dry.

I would pick this day to work out and do laundry.

Monday 28 March 2011


Although I do like some of my classes here. I am actually struggling a bit. There's one class I really don't like:catalan orthoepy, to which I haven't been for weeks. I guess it's just me being silly really, but the teacher really didn't make me feel welome so I kind of ran away. Just because last semester all the profs were so happy to have me in their classes and to let me "anar fent" and learn doesn't mean everyone will. I mean, he was probably just concerned that I wouldn't be able to handle the class, but still, it makes me not want to attend. It's too late to change now though and I suppose I'll have to go at some point.

Also struggling with feeling stupid when I can't answer things because I don't have as good a grip on the language as the natives obviously do. Also, some of the people in my classes this semester aren't so friendly. I mean, I guess it's just my British interpretation of rudeness, but being consistently referred to as "ell" (him) by your classmates doesn't seem very polite and when they are asked "i com es diu 'ell'?" (and what is 'he' called?) by the teacher they simply respond saying they don't know, with the kind of tone that implies they really don't care nor want to know. So only the profe actually calls me by name in that class, to everyone else I'm just "ell."

Wednesday 23 March 2011


I'm going to Valencia on Friday. I'm really looking forward to it. I've never really travelled like that before, like gone to a place to visit for a few days with a couple of friends. We'll be staying in a hostal and exploring the delights of the city. It's gonna be great. Today we stocked up on snacks. I bought way too many sweets and baked goods to take with me so I don't get hungry xD.

Also, I'm so so so into Tomb Raider at the moment. I'm playing a game someone made called Himalayan Mysteries. I think it's amazing that normal people have made entire Tomb Raider games with their free time. Lara will forever be my one true love *_*

Sunday 20 March 2011


I'm really happy. Bit by bit, I am removing negativity from my life. I thought about it and I think I've changed quite a lot as a person recently. Whereas before I could be quite a conduit for negativity, and at various times and through various means, encouraged negativity to come into my life, I now do not. Now when I see negativity I just think "I don't want that, it's not worth it", because it isn't. I have much better things to do with my time than waste it with negativity and negative people. It makes me happy to think about it.

For example, recently I dscovered a "friend" with whom there have been a lot of troubles with in the past had deleted me on facebook. We had spent several months not speaking, and a few months ago she decided to make friends with us again, which I was fine with because there's no need to hold a grudge when someone takes everything back and apologises. But anyway, the other day I was looking through some photos and thought I'd go see what was going on on her facebook only to find I need to add her as a friend to see these things. While it perplexes me and intrigues me a little, before, I would have investigated and probably got into some kind of messy argument. However now, I just don't care! I love being like this.

I'm very grateful for the recent changes in my life. I have some amazing people in my life. It's so important to be close to people who bring out the best in you, I found this out last year, the guy I lived with told me that's what you need in a serious relationship, and this is true, but it's helpful in friendships too.

Thursday 17 February 2011


Lookee meeee, I changed my keyboard layout to Spanish!! So now I can type all my languages properly. The only problem is I sometimes have to guess, hopelessly pressing several buttons before I actually arrive at the desired one, since my keyboard is UK layout, and all the punctuation, accents and stuff are in different places. I'm slowly learning though, I changed my desktop background to a picture of the Spanish keyboard to help me hahaha.

I've done quite a lot over the past two weeks, my friend from my uni in England moved here, so we've been going to see things in Lleida, and now I'm eating so much better cos we usually cook together. We had chicken and peppers and onions and fajita flavouring and nachos yesterday and it was sooooooooooo good!!! Riquísimo!

Last weekend we went to Barcelona! I never knew it was such a beautiful city. Literally everywhere you go there is something to see, some gorgeous building, a plaça, some sort of monument, it's just full of stuff! This stuff including, unfortunately, tourists... Which annoys me a bit. Everyone was speaking English too ¬_¬. Anyway we spent a lot of time in the gothic quarter and also went up to see Montjuïc Castle which was great.

Then we went to do a bit of shopping, and gosh, we nearly MISSED our train home. We really thought we weren't gonna make it and have to shell out for an AVE ticket. We were in the Plaça de Catalunya like, oh crap... we don't have much time do we¿? I was trying to be positive, but the metro seemed to stop for so long at each stop... five stops to go... four... three... two... and one... and we're at the station! Yay! We're totes gonna make it!


What we didn't bargain for is a half a mile of underground walking to reach the actual train station from the metro stop. So when it says you're at Barcelona Sants, you're actually not. You're a half a mile away. Every. corner. we turned. there was more walking to do, we were paaaaanicking, like n iheoiarwhich WHICH WAY TO GO?¿?¿?¿¿?¿¿???

LUCKILY, we finally got there and made it with seconds to spare.


If you're thinking of going to visit Barcelona the advice I would give you is DO GO. and also HOLD ONTO YOUR THINGS in the underground, not just on the metro, but when you get off and are in the underground too. Y no haría falta guardarlas mientras estás caminando por las calles también!

SÃO... my work situation is changing. I quit two classes and I have a new class where I teach four boys on Thursdays, two are 7, one is 8 and one is 5. The 5 year old is actually the best behaved and has amazing English for a 5 year old. It is a bit difficult working with four kids doing an oral class, but I'm managing it I think. My other classes are going well. My monday one is my fave, with the 10 year old twins, I can actually always have a laugh with them and they behave really well.

This week was the return to uni, finally! My classes seem reaaaally interesting this semester, I'm looking forward to carrying on. And I also only have to be in Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, yay!

I'm trying to keep up with the working out, did one yesterday and will do another one tonight, cos I didn't do any on Monday or Tuesday, since they are my busy days, though next week I would prefer to fit one in on one of those days if I can.

Anyway, SÃO... that's it.... thanks for watching... by--

Monday 31 January 2011


I'm feeling somewhat inspired, we'll see where it goes... Maybe I'll write a text of some kind since I'm pianoless.

Anyway, so I found out yesterday that the choir I play in are doing a concert for Easter. I'm looking forward to playing some new stuff. And then I'll be able to get back to practicing too. I NEED PIANO. Seriosuly sick of living without one, I just get the urge all the time to play, only to find I can't, so I just pace aimlessly around my room, or pretend to play on my desk.

I'm feeling pretty happy at the moment. Things aren't perfect, especially not with my "work", people are messing me around. Buuuut, I'm putting my proverbial foot down and refusing to let them leave me hanging without any work, when I could be working for other people. (Basically I sent some threatening emails) Well, they weren't really that threatening... ... ...well okay they were, BUT I got some help to make them sound much nicer and less brutal. Anyway, once the semester starts and I have a timetable I'll be able to organise everything properly and start earning proper money again. This month I earned so little it's a joke, so not too happy about that. But hopefully next month I'll start earning more.

Today my friend from England arrives to come and live with us, yay! I'll be going to pick her up from the train station in a few hours. It'll be nice to have her around.

It's been a fairly interesting month. I was in England at the beginning, now I'm in Spain obvs. I haven't really done too much, but things have happened. Oh I was so ill last weekend, but I'm better now. I'm fairly certain what caused the illness was diet-related, so I've changed a couple of things that should help. I'm also exercising again. Doing pretty well, I did 3 times last week! :D I've been doing more cardio too. (I love YouTube & Just Dance).

I think Ima try and make my blog more like it was at the beginning of last year. I was reading the entries and it was so much more interesting (imo, anyway...)

Friday 21 January 2011 Lazy -.-

I’ve been being so lazy recently! I’ve been doing next to nothing really, cos the semester doesn’t start til mid-February so all I have on at the moment is final works for first semester’s classes and teaching.

With regards to teaching I’m hoping to take on more classes this semester cos I want more money. I already have a few offers so we’ll see how it goes when I get my new uni timetable.

My language is improving. It was a bit difficult to get my tongue used to speaking Spanish again when I got back. I was talking to a friend on Sunday and I just couldn’t get my tongue round Spanish so I gave up and spoke Catalan instead (so much easier to get my tongue around). I mean, really, I was just like acost… acost….jsafhiehaubuacbn…. It’s better now though, now that I’ve been back for a little while. I have the opportunity to practice Spanish a bit more now too, so hopefully I’ll keep improving and soon reach that magic point where it all makes sense to me!

I miss home a lot. Miss my family and friends a lot. Kinda wish I had stayed a bit longer. Maybe I’ll be able to go back in a few months’ time. We’ll see. My family’s coming to visit for a week in April, and my best friend is coming for a long weekend also in April. So that will be verrrrrrrry nice ^_________^. Also my friend from my english university is coming to live with me in just over a week, so I’m really looking forward to that.

Next week = [/being so lazy]

Wednesday 19 January 2011

El sol i la lluna

In English this means "The Sun and the Moon". It's a truly magical song, I could never get sick of it. Well, I could never get sick of Maria del Mar Bonet, her voice, her words, her catalan: all utterly gorgeous.

I’m working on translating some of her songs to English. This is gonna be one of the first ones I do (along with No voldria…). The thing with translating music/poetry is it can go a couple of ways: you can either stay true to the meaning of the words, OR, you can create a translation that has a meter or fits with music. I'm going to TRY and create both, if I can. One that translates the MEANING of the words, and one that fits with the MUSIC. But we'll see... I don't think it's very likely that I'll be able to do the music-fitting one, but I'll try. What matters more to me, in any case, is conveying the meaning of the words, so somebody who doesn't understand Catalan can listen to the song, and not only appreciate the beauty of its sounds, but also the meaning of the words.

Saturday 8 January 2011

I wish I could find people who just would fight me and break through to me and hold me down and scream their life into my face.

-(atributed to Angelina Jolie, but I can't find a source for it)