Monday 27 June 2011

Sunday 26 June 2011

Tengo ganas de start blogging again.

Let's see what happens.

My year abroad finished. I did a pretty awful job of chronicling it here. Oh well. I can't be bothered to recount all the things that happened. Maybe they'll come up in future blogs. Now I am home in England. I've been back a week now and I've had a really good time. I've seen a lot of my good friends and next week I'm going to stay with my best friend for a few days.

I keep almost saying "Hola" to people when I see them, instead of "Hello". When this happens my unfortunate brain usually realises it while the word is about to exit my mouth, and so I end up saying something like "ohlo." My mother pointed out it might be best just to stick with "hola." I also keep answering the phone with "Sí?¿" I'm sure I'm going to have so much fun trying to switch to French next month. Although, next Thursday I am going to meet my French friend so I will be able to let you know if I can still hold together a conversation in French.

I still have a STUPID essay to do for my English uni. I have two days to do it, because I need to post it off so that it gets there before the deadline. Woohoo. I don't want to do it. I have to write 3000 words about a 10000 word journal on my stay in Spain and the many cultural, linguistic and other differences I observed whilst there.

Last night I went to eat out with my friend and her friends for her 21st birthday. We went to Nawaab in Manchester. I think it's the second time I've been to a Indian/Asain restaurant. It's a buffet place so you can have whatever you want. We had to wait a while for a table, and so got to see a wedding party come in, complete with drums for the entrance of the groom. I had to get my friend (who knows all about the food) to help me with what food was what, because I didn't have a clue. And I even tried curry (Rogan Josh). My poor mouth though, is not made for spicy food. I think I did fine in Spain with the spicy stuff, but Indian food to me is verrrrry spicy. I had to drink a lot of lassi. I did enjoy the food though, especially all the different chickens. I had a lovely time though. I got my friend several presents, including a "signed" framed photo of Michael Fassbender, which you can see below:

Oh, we had to run for our train afterwards. We got a (extortionately expensive) taxi back to the main train station because we missed the train there and then had to run because our train left from the far-away-up-above platform over moving walkways with idiot vegetable people stood blocking the way. We made it though, yay <3

Ooh I'm playing organ again, it's so good to be able to do it again <3

This week I need a haircut.