Monday 31 January 2011


I'm feeling somewhat inspired, we'll see where it goes... Maybe I'll write a text of some kind since I'm pianoless.

Anyway, so I found out yesterday that the choir I play in are doing a concert for Easter. I'm looking forward to playing some new stuff. And then I'll be able to get back to practicing too. I NEED PIANO. Seriosuly sick of living without one, I just get the urge all the time to play, only to find I can't, so I just pace aimlessly around my room, or pretend to play on my desk.

I'm feeling pretty happy at the moment. Things aren't perfect, especially not with my "work", people are messing me around. Buuuut, I'm putting my proverbial foot down and refusing to let them leave me hanging without any work, when I could be working for other people. (Basically I sent some threatening emails) Well, they weren't really that threatening... ... ...well okay they were, BUT I got some help to make them sound much nicer and less brutal. Anyway, once the semester starts and I have a timetable I'll be able to organise everything properly and start earning proper money again. This month I earned so little it's a joke, so not too happy about that. But hopefully next month I'll start earning more.

Today my friend from England arrives to come and live with us, yay! I'll be going to pick her up from the train station in a few hours. It'll be nice to have her around.

It's been a fairly interesting month. I was in England at the beginning, now I'm in Spain obvs. I haven't really done too much, but things have happened. Oh I was so ill last weekend, but I'm better now. I'm fairly certain what caused the illness was diet-related, so I've changed a couple of things that should help. I'm also exercising again. Doing pretty well, I did 3 times last week! :D I've been doing more cardio too. (I love YouTube & Just Dance).

I think Ima try and make my blog more like it was at the beginning of last year. I was reading the entries and it was so much more interesting (imo, anyway...)

Friday 21 January 2011 Lazy -.-

I’ve been being so lazy recently! I’ve been doing next to nothing really, cos the semester doesn’t start til mid-February so all I have on at the moment is final works for first semester’s classes and teaching.

With regards to teaching I’m hoping to take on more classes this semester cos I want more money. I already have a few offers so we’ll see how it goes when I get my new uni timetable.

My language is improving. It was a bit difficult to get my tongue used to speaking Spanish again when I got back. I was talking to a friend on Sunday and I just couldn’t get my tongue round Spanish so I gave up and spoke Catalan instead (so much easier to get my tongue around). I mean, really, I was just like acost… acost….jsafhiehaubuacbn…. It’s better now though, now that I’ve been back for a little while. I have the opportunity to practice Spanish a bit more now too, so hopefully I’ll keep improving and soon reach that magic point where it all makes sense to me!

I miss home a lot. Miss my family and friends a lot. Kinda wish I had stayed a bit longer. Maybe I’ll be able to go back in a few months’ time. We’ll see. My family’s coming to visit for a week in April, and my best friend is coming for a long weekend also in April. So that will be verrrrrrrry nice ^_________^. Also my friend from my english university is coming to live with me in just over a week, so I’m really looking forward to that.

Next week = [/being so lazy]

Wednesday 19 January 2011

El sol i la lluna

In English this means "The Sun and the Moon". It's a truly magical song, I could never get sick of it. Well, I could never get sick of Maria del Mar Bonet, her voice, her words, her catalan: all utterly gorgeous.

I’m working on translating some of her songs to English. This is gonna be one of the first ones I do (along with No voldria…). The thing with translating music/poetry is it can go a couple of ways: you can either stay true to the meaning of the words, OR, you can create a translation that has a meter or fits with music. I'm going to TRY and create both, if I can. One that translates the MEANING of the words, and one that fits with the MUSIC. But we'll see... I don't think it's very likely that I'll be able to do the music-fitting one, but I'll try. What matters more to me, in any case, is conveying the meaning of the words, so somebody who doesn't understand Catalan can listen to the song, and not only appreciate the beauty of its sounds, but also the meaning of the words.

Saturday 8 January 2011

I wish I could find people who just would fight me and break through to me and hold me down and scream their life into my face.

-(atributed to Angelina Jolie, but I can't find a source for it)