Tuesday 21 December 2010

England for Christmas!

I'm (finally) back in England for Christmas! I was supposed to be back yesterday BUT lots of snow in Liverpool meant my flight got cancelled, but luckily my dad managed to get me on another flight to Manchester the next day.

I was leaving Lleida on a high speed train when I received the call from my dad to tell me that my flight was cancelled, so I was a little bit upset, and kind of panicking about what I would do once I got to Barcelona. Had to hold back tears a couple of times cos I was all like "ahhh no, I'm not gonna be able to go home for Christmas" or Idon'tknowwhat, cos I was not thinking very straight I don't think. I was tired... and y'know, it's kind of distressing to be told your flight's cancelled when you're already on your way.

SAO, I got to Barcelona Estació Sants, and found somewhere to sit pathetically on my bags while I waited for contact from my parents. I had left my Spanish phone in Lleida, cos I was trying to pack light, so we had to communicate by text on my English phone. I must have looked a pretty sorry sight sat on the floor in the middle of that massive train station, I wish I could have taken a picture xD. But yeah, I was kinda worried, the next flight I could get a free transfer to was on the 24th... yeah so that wasn't happening. My dad said there was a flight to Manchester that same evening that he was booking, but then it filled up while he was booking. So I was once again waiting, but then THANKFULLY he managed to get me a flight to Manchester the next day at midday.

Entonces, there was just one problem, I'd be staying in the airport for the night. Woohoo. As I'm sure you can imagine, I was less than ecstatic about this prospect. Anyway, I went and bought a ticket to the airport (I love how cheap trains can be in Catalonia), and went to sit on the floor again on the platform (I have no idea why there are no seats in the station). Upon arrival at the airport, I found a seat to plonk myself on, and tried to get some Internet, but couldn't. So i sat there for a while resting, looking a complete mess, with what must have been the most gormless look on my face because I was too tired to walk all the way to the place where they sold sandwiches. Eventually I found the energy to drag myself and my bags over to the shop and paid over FIVE EUROS for a soggy, insubstantial tuna sandwich and a litre of lemon fanta (I thought it might help my breath smell a little fresher?).

So tot seguit I went to sit back down and eat my pathetic sandwich, which didn't really fill me. And then I thought about going to the information desk to ask pointless questions in order to have someone to talk to. And THEN I COMPLETELY RANDOMLY spotted a guy I know from my uni in England (who is from a town near Barcelona), and, blablabla, his family offered to take me home with them for the night!!! :DDD I was pretty happy, though I was probably not showing it too well in my hideous state. SAO, I got a wonderful Spanish meal, and a bed for the night. Cannot BELIEVE how lucky I was.

So, got the train back to the airport the next morning. The plane was delayed so had quite a wait in the boiling airport but that's okay, I had music, and it seems to take hours to get to the gate anyway, after each control it seems there's more and more miles of airport to trudge through, seriously seemed like I was walking forever, thankfully my bag was checked in so it was bearable. It was really strange hearing so many people talking English waiting at the gate, not used to it! The delay was longer than expected but we eventually got on. Monarch flights are a lot nicer than easyJet and RyanAir, cos they are not CONSTANTLY talking at you selling TAT that I DON'T WANT. My head felt like it would explode when we began to descend but at least it wasn't as bad as when I was coming back from Italy, when I thought my eyes were just gonna blow up and I experienced the most horrific pain. SO not a fan of descents. Anyway, then we were in Manchester and on the way to the passport controls... I saw the massive queue and my heart sank, wishing I was one of the Asian girls that had been sat behind me so I could go through the non-EU passport control. But THEN i saw a sign and realised that I had a BIOMETRIC PASSPORT and so could skip the massive queue and get straight through by looking in a mirror...(?) So was happy and thought I would soon be reunited with my father, BUT no. No. No, no, no. We had to wait a whole hour for our luggage. Was just standning there thinking... any moment it will come. But it didn't, so eventually I returned to sitting on the floor, just as I had in Barcelona Sants 24 hours before. Anyway, it eventually came, met my dad, was shocked by the freezing cold which got to me through all my t-shirts, went home and now everything's just PEACHY!

MUAH and Merry Christmas to everyone! <33333

Thursday 16 December 2010

Hem nascut en mons apart

On la llum cau dels estels, sobre un món empolsegat
s'han trobat els nostres cors, en un pont que hem aixecat.

En aquest temps que ens ha tocat
no serveix la veritat
fem un temps per el nostre amor
ple de vida, entre la mort.

Acompanyem els estels
el camí que hem inventat
el teu cor amb el meu cor
per damunt dels mons apart.

- "Mons apart"
(Traduït per Albert García,
de la cançó "Worlds Apart" per En Bruce Springsteen)

Wednesday 15 December 2010

Diumenge torno!

As if I'm going back to visit England for Christmas this Sunday!!! Can NOT believe that I've been living here in Catalonia for over three months. Next year I have to make the most of it and travel more. This semester I've been so busy I haven't made any time to travel. But next year I am definitely gonna go visit new places.

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Over it

I think it's over now! Annnnd so, I'm moving on to something even more insane and stupid!!!

You have no idea what I'm talking about! *points and laughs*

But yeah, I've decided that something that's been going on for a while was brought to a close tonight. It was doing me more harm than good I think. It was making me sad and angry. And it is still making me sad, but I think now I am gonna move on from it.

I'm having some crazy thoughts at the moment. I want money.


Friday 10 December 2010


So, this photo is gorgeous. I love it so much. It's just one of those photos that strikes me.
Obviously there's the fact that it's Lady GaGa, who everyone knows I'm obsessed with, so the fact that she is in it is enough to make me like a photo. But this one is different.
Secondly we have the fact that it's black and white, and I don't know why but that always goes a long way helping make a photo look gorgeous.
Then we have her outfit, figure and pose, which all complement each other. I love the trousers' shape. She's doing the classic GaGa photo pose, one knee turned in, hands on hips with elbows and shoulders pushed forward, but with a slight variation to incorporate her swish clutch. Don't forget the shoes, sunglasses and hair, which are maybe even more important than the rest of the outfit...
Finally we've got the scene, or the background, stood in the middle of a wide, badly maintained road, with a (railway?) bridge, a 4x4, some buildings and maybe some construction work. This beautiful fashion figure is such a contrast to this, yet somehow fits in perfectly at the same time.
So yeah, to reiterate, it's a gorgeous photo. I love it.

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Why I am always tired

Because I stay up until the early hours of the morning listening to music.

My Windows Media player tells me it has 384 hours of music in it. So if I listened my library all the way through non-stop it would take me over two weeks (16 days to be exact).

Then I have Spotify, which I read has around 10 million tracks. Granted, I have a 20hrs/month limit there, but there's a lot of music there.

So yeah, I like music, and I stay up late because I want to listen to it.

When I'm listening to one thing, I will be wanting to listen to something else, it's like I wish I could listen to more than one thing at the same time. Like right now I'm listening to Evanescence, but I want to listen to some Joni Mitchell, and I also want to finish listening to Carly Simon's albums from the early 70s. And then I'll look at something and it'll remind me I need to listen to something else, like 水樹奈々 or something... BUT I CAN'T LISTEN TO THEM ALL AT ONCE. So yeah, this is why I'm always tired.