Wednesday 6 January 2010

Another snow day makes me feel the burn

It's been snowing all over the country the past two days. I guess it must be nice for people who have nothing to do so can just mess around and play in it. I happen to live in my house alone at the moment... so I'm pretty much trapped inside by myself, because I daren't step out onto the icy pavements. I don't have as good a sense of balance and co-ordination as most people so it's more likely that I'd fall over and do myself an injury... you'd have to be mad to go out there when it's like this even if you can balance on your own two feet. I had images of myself sliding down the street on my back with my head cracked open... it just doesn't seem worth it. So although I have things I need to get done, they're just gonna have to wait it seems.

Anyway, since I was stuck inside I continued with my exercise resolution today, it was my second workout of the year. Jane Fonda of course, it really burned today, my abdominals and thighs especially, but it makes me feel so good doing it, I'm really glad I'm doing it. Getting into shape is great. I just hope I can make the time for it when uni starts again.

My food supplies are getting lower, and my money supplies aren't getting any higher. So it's gonna be rice for dinner again tonight! And gosh, those toothbrushes I bought from Sainsburys the other day are crap. Seriously, it's worth shelling out a bit more money for a half-decent toothbrush... or a trip to ASDA (I miss that place!)

Uni starts again on Monday, am actually really looking forward to it, can't wait to get back into a routine so I'm not sitting around all the time. So yeah... roll on next week!


  1. I reckon if I put my scraps of food together and you do the same, we might have a really tasty meal on our hands. Rice, beer and peanut butter FTW!

  2. i'm so happy that you're working out, joshyface!

    don't push too hard, man.
    one pays a price when they do.

  3. Don't worry, I'm sticking to the beginners' workout :)


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