Wednesday 15 August 2012

Dressing up to go out for half an hour when your body mass index is 17.9 and you have no money

When I dress down somehow I feel more down. If I go out looking fabulous, then I feel fabulous.

I hate to go out wearing just a t-shirt and baggy jeans, I feel like I look shabby and drab, and I feel dingy inside. I don't want to smile because I look like a scruff and I don't want anyone to see me looking so unbearably hideous.

Going out wearing a fabulous fitted shirt, and fitted trousers though, makes me feel like I'm worth a million dollars! It's true, when I feel I look great on the outside I feel good about myself and about being seen, and about whatever it is I've gone out to do. So even though today I only went out to pay a quick visit to the bank and town hall, I dressed in nicer clothes. It was only for half an hour, but so what? I feel like it could be seen by some as pointless, but for me, it's really important to look good. I mean, some days you don't have time to sew a button onto your favourite shirt and match a scarf to it before you go out, but those are just days where you might be a bit closer to the verge of tears while you're walking behind ridiculously slow people on a narrow street in the rain. That's life.

That's why it's really not much fun being -low- on precious £££. My hair is getting too long, it can only sit flat on my head, but I can't afford a haircut. I want to look good for job interviews, but the more unemployed I get, the more unemployed I'm gonna look. I can wear clothes that look nice, and fit me for the first interview, but for the second one, they have to get a bit baggier because I only have one shirt and one pair of smart trousers that actually fit me.

I'm 5'10'' and weigh about 125 lbs. That gives me a body mass index of 17.9. And apparently, that means that I am underweight. (Who knew[??]). My waist measures about 26 inches all the way around, apparently, that's not healthy. The point is, though, that it makes it difficult to buy clothes. 26 inch waist (and regular leg length) trousers for adult men are a fairly rare sight, usually, I have to conform with 28 inch waist trousers, and even those are hard to find sometimes. Tops are even worse. The only size that actually fits me is XXS, XS is too big. Once I was out clothes shopping with a friend and I had found some nice trousers and the assistant wanted to recommend me a t-shirt to go with them, so I told him my size, and he came back with an XS t-shirt. I don't think he could believe that an actual person could be too small for an XS t-shirt. I was, and am.

The result of all this, is that the vast majority of my clothes are too big for me and this can make me feel bad, the point being, that I want money to buy new clothes, that actually fit me, so I can feel better about myself. So many people say they want to be skinny. Just be careful though, cos shopping for clothes as a person as underweight as I can be a real chore. Yeah, I know, boo-hoo, poor guy is too skinny. Well, fat people aren't the only ones with problems. If you will permit me to quickly rant, in society it's generally looked upon poorly to bring up the weight of an overweight person, yet many people feel perfectly comfortable drawing attention to an underweight person's weight. While now I would not be offended at all by somebody bringing up my weight, because I am comfortable with it, just know that it can hurt to be called "too thin", just as much as I imagine it would hurt to be called "too fat."

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